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The media focused on the education work of Beijing Institute of Technology under the theme of "Never forget the original intention and remember the mission"

  冰球突破党委深入学习贯彻习近平总书记在“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育工作会议上的讲话精神,We will closely integrate thematic education with the construction of world-class universities taking root in China,Insist on learning while studying,Adhere to the theme of education and development practice,Dedicated to serving the country and keeping the original heart,Moral tree people bear the mission,Continue to create a clean and upright political ecology, an academic ecology advocating truth, and a harmonious and beautiful ecology suitable for learning,We will promote the high-quality development of world-class universities with Chinese characteristics,It has made contributions worthy of the new era to the realization of the "two centenary goals" and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,The thematic education work has aroused wide attention on social media。


  [Guangming Daily] Highlight political construction, and standard national cause development and education

  [Guangming Daily] "Yan 'an root, military soul" inherit and educate people red genes

  [Guangming Daily] The heart of the people loyal to the party to accept the stable red baton

  [People's Daily] Solve practical problems to respond to the concerns of teachers and students

  Theoretical research | Zhao Changlu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology: Highlighting political construction is a standard for the development of national undertakings and educating new people

  [Learning powerful countries] Beijing Institute of Technology: "Yan 'an root, military soul" inherit and educate people red genes

  [Learning a strong country] Beijing Institute of Technology teachers and students are hot about the initial intention and mission: the heart of the people loyal to the party to accept the red baton of stability

  [Learning power] Beijing Institute of Technology: Focus on the theme and main line of strict and practical supervision

  [Xinhua News Agency Client] Be strict, move, and be real - promote thematic education these colleges and universities do so

  [People's Daily Website - "Do not forget the original heart, remember the mission" theme education official website] highlights the political construction of the national cause development and education of new people

  People's Daily - "Never forget the original heart, remember the mission" theme education official website"Yan 'an root, military soul" inherit and educate people red gene

  [People's Daily - "Do not forget the original intention, remember the mission" theme education official website] The heart of the people loyal to the Party to accept the red baton of stability - Beijing Institute of Technology teachers and students hot discussion of the original intention and mission

  [People's Daily - "Don't forget the original intention, remember the mission" theme education official website] Beijing Institute of Technology held the "Don't forget the original intention, remember the mission" theme education cadre training conference

  [People's Daily - "Don't forget the original intention, remember the mission" theme education official website] Beijing Institute of Technology Party Committee Theoretical learning Center group carried out the "don't forget the original intention, remember the mission" theme education school leadership group second concentrated learning

  [Beijing Youth Daily] Many colleges and universities have integrated thematic education into ideological and political classes

  [front line] Highlight political construction, and benchmark the development of national undertakings and educate new people

  [People's Daily] Highlight political construction, standard national cause development and education

  [People's Daily] "Yan 'an root, military soul" inherit and educate people red gene

  [People's Daily Overseas Edition] Beijing Institute of Technology held a democratic meeting on the theme of education

  Beijing Institute of Technology: Inheriting the "Yan 'an root, military soul" with red genes to cultivate new people in the era

  Strengthening responsibility and stimulating the vitality of officers -- Beijing Institute of Technology strengthens the construction of cadres during the theme education

   [Communist Party Member Network] In response to the concerns of teachers and students about the theme of education rectification of the North Institute of Technology

   [Party Member network] Beijing Institute of Technology: Focus on the theme and main line of strict supervision

  [China Education News Network] Beijing Institute of Technology students "painting" red classics



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