Take on the new cultural mission and build the first-class university culture in the new era

It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural country, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point。

-- Xi Jinping

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Cultural confidence is the most basic, profound and lasting force in the development of a country and a nation。To build a first-class university and train first-class talents, we must have a first-class university culture。

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"The cultural construction of Beijing Institute of Technology has fully entered a new stage of high-quality development,We must continue to promote the integration of cultural 'soft power' and 'hard foundation',A new pattern of high-quality development of university culture in the new era of "five cores in one, five libraries in one, and five integration" has been firmly established,Inject inexhaustible cultural impetus into the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics。On June 7, 2023, Academician Zhang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology, stressed this at the research symposium on the construction of school culture。

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冰球突破党委深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想特别是习近平文化思想,We will implement the principles of the Symposium on cultural inheritance and Development and the National Conference on Promoting Ideological and Cultural Work,Adhere to the soul pulse of Marxism and the root pulse of fine traditional Chinese culture,Uphold the Party's cultural leadership,Party secretary personally planning and deployment,The school spiritual civilization and cultural construction leading group coordinated progress,Centering on the mission of "Holding the flag, gathering the people, revitalizing culture, educating new people, and displaying the image",Systematic planning and high-level promotion,Strive to build a first-class university culture with elegant style, profound heritage, inspiring and distinctive characteristics,Continue to consolidate the achievements of the "National civilized campus",It has written a wonderful cultural chapter of the construction of a first-class university。

Build a solid red foundation, for the first-class culture flag orientation

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A series of "steaming" learning and conveying, a series of "lively" preaching and interpreting go deep and go solid, a "down-to-earth" "big ideological and political class" into the brain into the heart...Theme education since the development,The Party committee of Beijing Institute of Technology highlights the leading function of theoretical learning,Build a "five-learning" model and a "six-dimensional" learning system,把用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想培根铸魂持续引向深入。

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“落实‘三位一体’战略部署”专题、“提升拔尖创新Personnel training能力”专题、“践行中国特色社会主义大学使命担当”专题、“习近平文化思想”专题……在开好校领导班子读书班的同时,The theoretical learning center group of the university Party Committee plays a leading role in benchmarking,School leadership team members above the rate, first learn a step, learn a deep layer,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为根本遵循,To explore the scientific path to deepen, internalize and transform the Party's innovation theory into a guide for the development of first-class universities。In recent years, the learning results of the central group of the University Party Committee have been published in more than 40 articles in "Seeking Truth", "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", "Economic Daily" and "China Higher Education"。

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How to promote the latest achievements of the Party's innovation theory into teaching materials, into the classroom, into the mind?在“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论课”上,马克思主义学院教师正在运用党的创新理论知识图谱讲解习近平文化思想。"A cloud map, a series of knowledge points, a group of related layers, constitute a systematic and visual intelligent learning knowledge system, so that fresh ideas can be visible and approachable.。"The student said with deep feeling after class。

Around "ternary",The Party Committee of the school blew the Party's innovation theory learning for the first time and preached the "assembly number",Organize ideological and political teachers to carry out collective lesson preparation,Set up a "3+1" propaganda group composed of the university Party committee, teachers, students and experts and scholars,A monthly Theoretical Study Guide,Build a good "one end of the net" theoretical learning platform......Further enhance the ability to promote theoretical learning and publicity in the new era,Serve the theoretical learning needs of teachers and students。

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The Party Committee of the university focused on a series of major theoretical innovations proposed by the Party Central Committee to promote theoretical research,We will vigorously promote the construction of high-level think tanks such as the Research Center for Party Building, the National Security and Development Institute, and the Yan 'an Spirit and China Youth Research Center,Carry out systematic research and scientific and physical explanation,Support a number of research projects,Cultivate and form high-level theoretical achievements。

Strengthen the "five core", with first-class culture to lead teachers and students

Adhere to the moral education first, focus on the "red education road", lead teachers and students to adhere to the leadership of the party, adhere to the fundamental moral education, adhere to the style of seeking truth from facts, and always maintain the style of hard work。

Based on the characteristics of national defense and the strategy of serving the country, the "strong army to serve the country" guides teachers and students to harbor the "great people of the country", cherish the ideal of science and technology to serve the country, carry forward the tradition of overcoming difficulties, and advocate the conduct of non-self-dedication。

The "innovative development road" of pioneering innovation, open and inclusive cooperation leads teachers and students to aim at the forefront, firmly adhere to the concept of people first, cultivate the character of daring to be the first, and expand the open and inclusive thinking。

The Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology is based on the practice of running schools for more than 80 years,Three roads for running schools,Not only by the majority of teachers and students alumni highly recognized,It has become an important part of the spiritual and cultural system,It has a positive guiding effect on the development of school running in the new stage,Lead teachers and students to stride forward on the road of high-quality development。

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In recent years,The school Party committee vigorously implements the construction of "master" culture represented by "three generations" of disciplines,Combing and forming three generations of "weapon man", "vehicle man", "radar man", "high ability man", "physical man" and other representative character groups,Launched the "First generation" master group,Held a series of propaganda activities of "Founding Fathers of the school",Set up a group of "leader" master example。

From 2018 to put forward the goal of "aspiring, Mingde Seijing, innovation and inclusiveness, and responsibility of The Times", to 2023 to call on all students to inherit the red gene of "Yan 'an root and military soul" and strive to be "leaders".。In recent years,The Party committee of the university continues to improve the characteristic spiritual and cultural system,Based on the "two first" spirit source,Around "Yan 'an root, military soul, leader",Deepen the propaganda and implementation of the spirit, school motto, school spirit, study style and the "three ways of running a school",Together, we have built a new spiritual and cultural pattern of "five core and one foundation",Effectively build consensus between teachers and students。

Optimize the "five pavilions in one", so that first-class culture is silent

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Forty white marble columns stand tall,Beautifully decorated square,An open front room that mirrors all around,Theater of a thousand people,Concert hall for five hundred,20,000 square meters of museum space,Outline a grand temple of culture...October 30, 2023,The Museum building of Beijing Institute of Technology was unveiled,Quickly blow up the north Li workers circle of friends。

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At the same time, in the cultural Expo center, the first domestic reflection of the development process of the people's military industry, "Stiffing the backbone of the nation - the people's military industry led by the Party" exhibition hall was also formally completed。In the 2,400 square meter exhibition hall, there are more than 100 precious exhibits, nearly 400 precious pictures and 40 multimedia exhibition items。

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In recent years,Beijing Institute of Technology has made great efforts,A number of high-level cultural venues such as the new University History Hall, the National Defense Culture theme Square, Yanhe Culture and Art Museum, the People's Military Industry Pavilion and the Cultural Museum Center (Cultural Museum) have been built,Strengthen the construction of cultural platforms such as collection and collection bases for the growth of old scientists,It has been awarded the National Science Popularization Education Base, the National Scientist Spirit Education Base, and the Beijing Patriotism Education Base,Cultural infrastructure continues to improve,Initial construction of cultural museum, school history museum, art museum, library, gymnasium "five into one" management and operation mechanism,It has laid a "hard core" foundation for the construction of first-class university culture。

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Original heart Pavilion, Merit Gallery, Siyuan Pavilion, Star Orbit Square,Like pearls inlaid in the beautiful North Lake;The golden name of the school shines on the red cornerstone produced in Yan 'an,Refresh the east gate in front of the main building;Xu Teli bronze statue, Yan 'an Spirit Stone, school emblem sculpture, school spirit stone, school motto square,The spirit and temperament of the Beijing Institute of Technology......In today's campus of Beijing Institute of Technology,Traditional culture and expression of The Times complement each other,Cultural landscape and natural landscape complement each other。In recent years, the university Party Committee has continued to strengthen the planning of campus culture construction, integrated the university culture into the beautiful campus, and built a campus civilization ecology of "clean air, unity and harmony, green and high-quality, and the pursuit of excellence", so that the cultural spring breeze becomes rain and moistens things silently。

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Yan 'an school history exhibition room, "Founding Fathers" exhibition room, Yan 'an period Party leadership science and technology exhibition room, cave classroom...In Yan 'an,Several holes in the former site of the school were transformed into the "Museum of History of the former Site of the Academy of Natural Sciences";In Beijing,The "Sino-French University Historical Photo Exhibition" was successfully held in the former site of Donghuangchenggen School;In Jingxing County,The two sides of the school conducted a discussion and research on the school history education。In 2023, the school will focus on the construction of the cultural carrier of the old school site and actively build the "Red education Road" cultural education track line。

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At present, the school has formed the cultural "central axis" of Zhongguancun campus, the spiritual and cultural core area of the central garden, the natural and cultural landscape area of North Lake in Liangxiang Campus, the cultural education function area and the cultural education track line of "Red Education Road", and the new pattern of campus cultural zoning of "one axis, three districts and one line" is increasingly clear。

Deepen the "five integration at the same time", with first-class culture to cultivate the new era

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Yan 'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Memorial Hall, Yangjialing Revolutionary life site...On October 17, 2023, the Beijing Institute of Technology, together with the Administration of Yan 'an Revolutionary Memorial Site, issued a plaque of "Yan 'an Spirit into Campus" education base and "Yun on Big Ideological and Political Course" teaching base for six Yan 'an revolutionary venues。

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In recent years,Beit persists in carrying forward the Yan 'an Spirit,We will continue to consolidate our cultural and spiritual foundation,Led the establishment of "Yanhe University Talent Training Alliance",Strive to build a "red education road" cultural brand,Jointly established "Yan 'an Spirit and Chinese Youth Research Center" with China Yan 'an Spiritual Research Association,Approved the "Yan 'an Spirit into the campus" national demonstration school,Yanhe children special ideological and political classes,Organize "cloud science" activities in Yan 'an Red Stadium,Leading demonstration results are remarkable。

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"On this American-made tank captured in the battlefield of resisting the United States and aiding North Korea, there are precious records of the capture of volunteers, witnessing the passionate years of defending the home and the country..."。On March 24, 2023, teachers of Ideological and political courses taught the red story of "Old Tank" to students in the National Defense Culture Square of the school。

Cultural education should focus on cultivating new people who take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation and transform rich cultural resources into educational advantages。In recent years,Beijing Institute of Technology focuses on educating people with red genes,Cultural education runs through the whole process of talent training,Dig deep into red cultural resources,Construction of red gene education resource bank,Launched the red gene course ideological and political demonstration course 26,Establish a number of "big ideological and political courses" teaching bases,Create a "meta-universe" campus cultural space,Effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of red culture,Let red culture "live" in the present and serve the contemporary era,To inject vitality and vitality into the propaganda ideological and cultural work,Continue to provide cultural support for training leading talents。

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"Continue to Yanan root, pass military soul, be a leader!"On September 8, 2023, at the opening ceremony of the new students in 2023 of Beijing Institute of Technology, Academician Long Teng, the president, encouraged the students to inherit the red gene and shoulder the mission of The Times in his speech。Nowadays, the well-planned and rich connotation of the opening ceremony, graduation ceremony, graduation season collective wedding, etc., has become a widely concerned campus ritual cultural brand。

In recent years,Focus on culture education,The school actively cultivates cultural brand matrix such as ideological and political, academic, ethics, ritual, innovation, practice, literature and art, sports, community and network,We will strive to promote the integration of resources, functional integration, education and innovation, cultural integration and spiritual integration,"Five integration simultaneously" cultivate new people of The Times。

Play the voice of The Times, let the first-class culture reach the people's hearts

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The 'digital brain' behind the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony,"Not afraid of cold" new energy vehicles,Winter Olympics Carbon Test,CT the atmosphere,Clairvoyant vision of snow-capped mountains,Ice Accelerator,Winter Olympic Games "big ideological and political lessons"......During the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing,The school vigorously implements financial media propaganda,Over the 20-day Winter Olympic cycle,Official micro planning published 14,Organize the central media to report on the first 100 times,CCTV alone reported nine times,Tell the world the "Winter Olympics Story" of BEIT。

First-class university culture requires high-quality cultural communication ability。In recent years, focusing on telling the story of Beijing Institute of Technology in the new era and showing a first-class image, the school has created a "financial media focus" special report matrix, forming a powerful public opinion communication trend。Focusing on the study, publicity and implementation of the Party's 20 major spirit, the education of scientific and technological talents "trinity", the 70th anniversary of the National Day, manned spaceflight, deep space exploration, epidemic prevention and control, the Beijing Winter Olympics, the national "Challenge Cup" and other important themes,It was actively planned and reported by mainstream media more than 4000 times,Official micro launch "100,000 +" more than 60 excellent works,Continue to show the school to take advantage of the trend, leapfrog development of the vigorous trend。

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The majestic building of modern atmosphere,Fashion ingenious cultural space,Hardcore cool research platform,Focus on the classroom,Vibrant college life...September 2023,The new propaganda film "Brave" of the Beijing Institute of Technology was launched on the occasion of the school's celebration,The majority of teachers, students and alumni rushed to forward,Reading quickly reached "100,000 +"。

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In recent years,Beitech focuses on the propaganda and implementation of the Party's 20 spirit learning, focuses on the high-quality development of the school, and focuses on the unity and struggle of teachers and students,Actively carry out theme publicity, achievement publicity and typical publicity,Launch classic columns such as reading North Theory, news features and news current ratings,To build first-class and striving, North Li glory, North Li dynamic, North Li rhyme, originality teachers, struggle is youth six major reporting brands。In addition, a large number of excellent cultural works such as "Seiko", "Grand Ceremony", "Going Home", "Beijing", "First", "Lisho Burning" and so on "break the circle" spread, "the story of the North", "Teacher" and other cultural communication brands are widely praised, large-scale epic "Glory and dream", the stage play "Avenue More light" make the image of the North Technology three-dimensional fresh。By telling the striving story of the high quality development of the school, we can promote the sound of first-class university culture to reach far and reach the people's heart。

Culture is responsible for its progress。Face the future,Academician Zhang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee, said: "To build a strong cultural and educational country,Beijing Institute of Technology will closely focus on the fundamental task of moral education,Persist in educating people for the Party and the country,Cultivate a new culture that belongs to us,Create a first-class cultural environment for first-class talents,To write a new chapter of BTECH culture in the new era。”