[News feature] Learn from him!"Yan 'an root, military soul, leader"

-- Beijing Institute of Technology held a lecture exhibition by Mr. Li Qiang


From the Zeng family of Changshu's scholarly family, through the light and dark, the study and the battlefield, across the national boundaries and oceans, interdisciplinary, multi-field to create a series of legends...This is the glorious, great and legendary life of Li Qiang, the former president of the Academy of Natural Sciences (the predecessor of Beijing Institute of Technology)。

For the first time to implement the school personnel training work meeting spirit,近期,The school and Changshu City of Jiangsu Province jointly held the "Red Legend - Li Qiang's Revolutionary Course" publicity and education activities,Through presentations and exhibitions,For the vast number of teachers and students, the revolutionary course of the old dean of our school in Yan 'an Comrade Li Qiang was fully displayed,With the red school history casting soul education。This activity is the first activity of the series of lecturing activities of our school history figures。


On the evening of October 30, the lecture "Red Legend - Li Qiang's Revolutionary Course" was held at Liangxiang Campus. The research team of "Li Qiang's Revolutionary Course" from Changshu City Archives, representatives of Li Qiang's children, and nearly 200 students from the Academy of Economics and Management participated in the activity。This activity is one of the lectures of "first-year Engineering" and fine Party class of the School of Management and Economics。

常熟市档案馆征集编研科科长、李强革命历程展示馆制作负责人吕惠峰从“出身名门望族 踏上革命道路”“创建常熟特支 点燃星星之火”“中央特科先驱 开创无线通讯”“远赴苏联工作 科研一鸣惊人”“回国领导军工 兼任自然科学院院长”“受命搭建天线 奠基广播事业”“推进中苏协定 开拓对外贸易”“退休发挥余热 辞世魂归故里”等八个维度梳理了李强老院长的革命历程。The expert told the story vividly and accurately, and fully demonstrated for the teachers and students the strong patriotic feelings of the old dean Li Qiang, the unswerving ideal belief, the resolute obedience of the party spirit, the indomitable spirit of studying, the innovative spirit of daring to explore, and the spirit of bearing the burden。

Before the lecture, in order to further deepen the cooperation between the university and the local education, the Department of Educational Affairs awarded the plaque of "Beijing Institute of Technology University Student Social Practice Base" to the Changshu City Archives, and awarded the certificate of Yanhe Aesthetic Education Lecture Hall to the lecture experts。Changshu City Archives awarded the "Red Navigator" Education Base plaque to the school's "Sanquan Education" brand class。The School of Management and Economics awarded the appointment letter of ideological and political tutor to the lecturer。The teachers and students of BEIT shared the experience of visiting the Exhibition Hall of Li Qiang's Revolutionary Course in Changshu, and displayed the red theme paintings of "Yan 'an Roots, military souls, and leaders"。


In early November, the "Red Legend -" Founding Father of the School "Li Qiang's Revolutionary History Exhibition" jointly organized by the school and Changshu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China was carried out in the library hall of Zhongguancun Campus。On the basis of mining its own archive resources and relying on the rich Li Qiang archive resources of Changshu City Archives and Changshu Municipal Party History Work Office of the Communist Party of China, the school carefully planned and held this exhibition。Through rich and detailed pictures, historical materials and precious objects, the exhibition fully demonstrates the glorious life of Li Qiang and the noble spirit of ceaseless struggle for the revolution。At the same time of carefully arranging the exhibition, the school library organized forces to provide explanatory services, attracting the majority of teachers and students to visit。

During the presentation,Changshu City also donated the precious version of old Dean Li Qiang to our school history museum,包括毛泽东同志题词的“坚持到底”复制件、中国科学院院士聘任书复制件和李强撰写的《冰球突破》出版信息复制件;向图书馆捐赠了《冰球突破官网》 (第一卷)《冰球突破》《冰球突破官网》等图书资料。

The holding of this school history character propaganda activity aims to provide strong cultural support for cultivating leading talents with the character of "Yan 'an root, military soul, and leader" by digging deeply into the red school history resources of our school and actively exploring new ways of innovative cultural education。



Li Qiang (1905-1996), born Zeng Peihong in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, was the fourth president of Yan 'an Academy of Natural Sciences, the predecessor of Beijing Institute of Technology, and the honorary chairman of the Board of Directors of Beijing Institute of Technology。Li Qiang founded the first Communist Party organization in Changshu and was one of the pioneers and founders of the Party's hidden front。He developed the party's first radio receiver and transmitter, published the famous paper "Sending rhomboid antenna", invented the "Li Qiang formula"。Li Qiang was the leader of the Party's military industry during the Yan 'an Anti-Japanese War, and also the president of the Academy of Natural Sciences, the founder of New China's broadcasting industry, the first academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences among the senior leaders of the party, and the pioneer and outstanding leader of the foreign trade cause of New China。