Jin Zhuanglong, Party chief of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, visited the Beijing Institute of Technology

近日,Jin Zhuanglong, Party chief of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, visited Beijing Institute of Technology,Visit the national experimental teaching base and key laboratory,Talk and exchange with the school leadership,Learn about the university's promotion of strict party governance, ideological and political education, discipline and teaching staff construction, personnel training, and scientific research,He fully affirmed the remarkable achievements made by the school。

Jin Zhuanglong pointed out,部属高校要坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,学深悟透习近平总书记关于高等教育、科技创新、人才强国的重要论述,深入贯彻习近平总书记关于制造强国战略的重要论述和关于网络强国的重要思想,Firmly grasp the socialist direction of running schools,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,We will deepen ideological and political education and teaching reform,We will strengthen the development of teachers' ethics,The implementation of the "two maintenance" to the whole process of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country。

Jin Zhuanglong stressed,We must focus on the world's scientific and technological frontiers, the main economic battlefields, the major needs of the country, and the lives and health of the people,We will accelerate the development of high-level research universities,Strive to achieve new breakthroughs in cultivating strategic leading talents and promoting self-reliance in high-level science and technology,Embark on a new path of building world-class universities with Chinese characteristics。Adhere to the construction of disciplines as the foundation for development, consolidate and expand unique advantages, and create a first-class system of characteristic disciplines, basic disciplines, and emerging interdisciplinary disciplines。We will improve the mechanism for the discovery, training, use and incentive of scientific and technological talents, stimulate their vitality for innovation, and train more strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders, young scientific and technological talents and outstanding engineers。We will give full play to the role of the main force of basic research and the impetus for major scientific and technological breakthroughs, promote the integration of science and education, and the integration of industry and education, strengthen research research and the transformation of results, and strive to create more "national instruments" and produce more original and leading results。Guide teachers and students to inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, take the "red education road" in the new era, and strive to train new people who take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation。

Jin Zhuanglong asked,We need to fully implement the requirements of "preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safe development.,With the sense of responsibility of "always at ease",Strengthen political responsibility,Perform duties faithfully and dutifully,We will do a solid job in epidemic prevention and control,Create a safe and stable campus environment and a clean campus ecology,Take concrete actions to welcome the victory of the Party's 20th Congress。

At the symposium, Zhang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee of the University, warmly welcomed the visit of Jin Zhuanglong and his delegation to the university, and introduced the work and career development of the school's comprehensive strict party governance。张军表示,学校党委始终以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持和加强党对学校工作的全面领导,坚持从政治高度、全局角度谋划推进各项工作,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,扎根中国大地建设世界一流大学。Under the strong leadership of the Party Group of the Ministry, the university's ability to serve the construction of "two powerful countries" has been significantly improved, various undertakings have made leapfrog development, social contribution and international influence have been greatly improved, and it has entered a new stage of high-quality development。

Principal Long Teng said,As the first science and engineering university founded by the Communist Party of China,Beijing Institute of Technology has always been committed to educating people for the Party and the country,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于高等教育的重要讲话精神和重要指示批示精神,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,To serve the major strategic needs of the country,Train builders and successors of socialism with Chinese characteristics。Under the strong leadership of the Party Group of the Ministry, the university will better play the role of the main force of basic research and the new force of major scientific and technological breakthroughs, accelerate the construction of "double first-class", and meet the victory of the Party's 20th Congress with excellent results!

Responsible comrades of the relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, all members of the leadership team of the Beijing Institute of Technology, the heads of relevant departments, colleges and teachers' representatives participated in the survey。